Devlog #1 (December 2024)

Hello everyone,

I know— It’s been a while since my last update (way longer than I’d planned). Back in July, after the extended demo release, I had this grandiose idea to do monthly updates/patches (but life had other plans). Fast forward five months later (and five missed devlogs), here we are (WARNING: spoilers for the current demo ahead.)

History Recap

Let’s start with a quick look back at the project timeline for Chromatic Agape (CA):

  • NaNoRenO 2024 (March 1–April 2): We kicked off development, aiming to release a demo for the jam (mission accomplished!)

  • Otome Jam 2024 (May 1–July 1): The goal was to finish the game, but we didn’t manage to wrap it up due to unfinished assets. However, we were able to release an extended demo.
  • Post-Release Break (July–September 2024): Our team took a well-deserved three-month break after the intense workload. Personally, I had an internship during this time (mentally exhausting/nearly lost my mind), so I wasn’t super active either.
  • Back to Work (October–November 2024): Development resumed in small steps in October, and I really started focusing on the script in November. It’s still a work in progress, but hopefully, it won’t take too much longer!
  • Working on Patch (November-December 2024): While Bobbert, our remaining editor, is reviewing the script, I’ve been reworking the programming from the demo game. There were quite a few areas that needed adjustments, so I’ve been focused on making those changes for a second patch release (TBD).

Okay, now that we’ve got our timeline straight...

The Good

~Art/Audio Progress

95% Done! All originally planned assets are finished, and the last 5% is for extras that cropped up during development. Nothing that should steer us too far off course.

~Demo Improvements

Demo Script Updates: I’ve incorporated a lot of your feedback, and here are some highlights

  • Sev’s Initial Meeting with Shyloh: Some found Sev too apathetic here. The intent was to show her struggling to trust the nameless pixie's sudden affection, but due to popular request, this has been adjusted.

  • Post-Injection Scene: Sev’s reaction after stopping Shyoh (from choking Helios) was apparently a bit harsh, so I’ve added a short extra scene. Now, you’ll have the option to explore her perspective with more empathy.

  • "Why Didn’t Sev Go Back with Shyloh?" This was the biggest complaint by far. While I needed Sev to earn points with the pixies for future route calculations, I’ve adjusted the dialogue to satisfy the criticism.

  • Helios vs. Kai: Helios’s belittling of Kai was too obvious/antagonistic. I’ve rewritten portions of these interactions to make Helios’s dislike more subtle and layered.

  • Weapon Summoning Scene: Some asked why Sev didn’t summon a bigger weapon (e.g. a flamethrower) to fight the pixies. I thought it was inferred, but to clarify, the limitation is Sev’s familiarity with the weapon in real life. I’ve addressed this in a new illusionary choice where you can pick from multiple weapon options— yes, flamethrower included.

Animations/sprite expressions/ATL changes.

Updated SFX, replaced one music track (the “Parents Theme”), and adjusted sound captions for audio files (SFX/Ambience/Music).

~Character Cards

New character cards are ready! So keep an eye on socials. Shyloh's card is the first one up, so make sure to spread the love <3 You can find it both on  X (Twitter) and BlueSky.

The Bad

Editor Woes: We’re down to one editor (Bobbert), as others left for various reasons: poaching, IRL commitments, ghosting. I tried recruiting after Spooktober Jam but didn’t find the right fit. One editor from a previous game that I worked on offered to help, but they bailed out in less than a week, which was disheartening, to say the least. 

Programming Challenges: We’ve got three programmers at the moment: Carlson, Tsunami, and Bobbert. However, with limited members, we still need to find someone to cover the rest of the workload. I’ve been managing the majority of patch #2 changes so far, but I’m starting to feel the strain T~T

The Future

Upcoming Patch: I plan to share a new patch update during Yandere Jam, featuring the implemented feedback I mentioned earlier.

In Closing

That’s the update for now! I know it’s been a rocky journey, but I’m still committed to bringing this project to a close (especially after all the effort our team members have put in ♡). If you haven’t already, please consider rating the demo HERE. Your support really keeps us going, so feel free to drop the most unhinged comments— you know I love reading them! Still dreaming of some fanart coming CA's way! (Also,  shoutout to Jasmine for being such an amazing, supportive fan. I absolutely love reading your analysis comments, they always make my day :)

It’s been a lonely process at times, and juggling the workload alongside school and internship stress has definitely been overwhelming. I haven’t had as much time to market the game as I’d like, and it’s hard not to feel like I’m falling behind, especially when I see my peers achieving so much more in a shorter time.

Despite all that, I still want to create something meaningful, just in case I don’t get another chance to work on a project like this again. Also,  for the ones who got this far, what are you most looking forward to in the upcoming release? Any tidbits, special scenes, or key moments you're excited about?

Until next time~


Chromatic Agape [Demo] (PC) 565 MB
Sep 19, 2024
Chromatic Agape [Demo] (Mac) 560 MB
Sep 19, 2024
Chromatic Agape [Demo] (Android) 596 MB
Sep 19, 2024

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Nice to hear from the devs! Remember to take breaks and prioritize self-care. CA is a VN I find myself coming back to, and I look forward to whatever direction the game takes!

I’m super late responding to this, but I always had it in mind to reply! <33 Thank you so much for your kind wishes ^^ Thankfully, the worst part has passed for now. We just released the updated demo version, so feel free to check it out if you’re interested! Hope you enjoy~ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

(2 edits) (+5)

Omggggg devlog !!!! It’s good to know that the progress is going well and I’m glad you overcame the difficulties you encountered along the way. Don’t forget to take care of your mental health. I hope you’ll find the people necessary for the development of the game

Concerning the changes to Sev I’ve already said my two cents so I’ll keep my mouth shut 🤫 (but a flamethrower you say 👀) but now that you say it it’s true that Helios’s dislike of Kai was very obvious, it’s a good change.

OMG IVE BEEN SHOUTOUT YEYYY. Glad my analyzing is being appreciated yeyyy. Fanart will be in the way for sure, my head is so full of ideas I don’t know where to start

What am I most excited about … it’s hard saying what EXACTLY I’m excited about since I have absolutely NO IDEA what’s going to happen next. But I can say that one of the things I look forward the most is to see the pixies in action. Since I’m mainly here for the psychological horror I can’t wait to see how unsettling these fuckers can get

When is the yandere jam tho ? Definitely checking social medias for new chara cards 👀

(1 edit)

Aweee, thank you so much, Jasmine! I feel so lucky to have such an awesome and passionate supporter like you. I even asked Jelly, the banner designer, to include your two favorite characters because I know how excited you are for them! XD

Haha, yes, the flamethrower idea came from a YouTube comment on one of the CA playthroughs, and I just had to add it in for the PEOPLE (though you won’t actually be able to use it, sorry lol). But can you guess which pixie would absolutely love a flamethrower?

I’m so excited to see your fanart whenever you’re ready, but seriously, don’t stress about it! Take your time—I’ll be waiting patiently, no rush at all!

And those posts you made on Bluesky/Itch are going to be like a fun little time capsule for when you play the full release and come back and go, “OMG, this was right, this was wrong!” I can’t wait to see your reactions!

Yandere Jam is an event on Itch (like Nano and Otome Jam), and it usually happens from the end of January to March, so I’m hoping to release the patch during that time. (Completely Random- But, I improved the quality of the pixie image -you know, the one where everyone’s on screen during the first meeting- and it looks SO crisp now! It took a whole day of programming, but it was so worth it for all those extra pixels.)

And yay, I hope you enjoy the character cards when I release them! I’m thinking of doing Rosario next, but we’ll see~~


Omgg the team thought of me that’s so nice (I was wondering why were Rosario and Helios in the same banner since they aren’t a duo but now I have my answer). Truth is, I’m excited for every route (Yulen and Adonis who I love to slander included), but Rosario especially gets extra points because his attitude puts me off the most (and he’s also extremely beautiful I’m not gonna lie)

Don’t worry I already know Sev couldn’t have used a flamethrower even if they wanted to (they’re in a medical school, not an arsonist school). Let me guess, it’s a certain short guy with red hair who would use something like that.

Trust me on the day of the release I’ll be unsufferable. I’ll be screaming and crying all day on the tl

I didn’t know what were « jams » until now Im so new to all that ☠️ looking forward to see the new graphic changes to the game

No matter who is it on the character cards I’ll be there

Haha, omg same! XD I was like, “I wanna do something to make Jasmine happy,” and then boom—Helios x Rosario duo happened ^^ Honestly, I was working on Adonis’s route earlier, and I’m dying to share spoilers, but nope—zipping my lips~

And seriously, Rosario is such a stunner >u< Every time I see his NSFW CG, I’m so tempted to add more to his scene, but it’s already super long as it is, I’m dead lol


It’s okk no need for spoilers when I have my imagination. At least I can check the tws list and guess what’s about to happen to poor Sev in peepaw’s route. Or any other routes matter of fact

WOH ARE HIS SCENES THAT LONG ? He really is dedicated to non consensual activities. Depending on how tired you are you can listen to the voices and add more and if it’s too much for you then there’s no need

Tbh, the variations can get pretty lengthy. For instance, we’ve got three sexes in the game—female, male, and intersex—so right off the bat, that’s already three variations. Then we add dominant and submissive roles, which brings us to six variations. There are even more factors (with dialogue choices, and give/take dynamics, etc…) to consider and it all starts to add up pretty quickly. I’m kind of on the fence about it and even thinking about cutting some stuff to keep it from getting too long—but I’ll see what the editor thinks before making any final calls!


Thank you for telling the truth. I ( or we) dont mind waiting longer, making a game is hard dont worry and be happy :D


I love this demo! please take your time tho!

(1 edit) (+1)

OMG Imma ball myself in a corner and cry T~T I’m really grateful to have such understanding fans— it’s been a longer process than I originally hoped, but thank you so much for being patient and supportive throughout the journey! <333

(2 edits) (+2)

I (or we) will alway stand by your side, I never will mind waiting. This game is very high quality and quality takes time never over work yourself becuse if you are not having fun then you will be burt out. Please dont burn yourself out I care for you and your devs! :D (plz dont cry or I will to)


Awww, that’s so sweet of you to say! It really means so much— thank you tons~ I promise I won’t cry if you don’t either <333